GNOME.Asia Summit 2015


This is my story about this event and pardon my broken english 😐

I have trouble with provider internet connection since one month ago which is one of the biggest provider in Indonesia that made me unsubscribe. Accidentally which is one of our sponsor of the event. Haha

The story begin..

I known about this event from Haris, one years ago..he told me about Indonesia will be next venue for GNOME.Asia Summit 2015 and i’m very exiting to be part of that event.

Why am i join?

I’m joining because i have no job (seriously) 😀

Don’t ask me about programming, i didn’t understood about that.

I’m just Linux user, I’m support BlankOn in recent years. Although I just known some of developer BlankOn in personally since 2011 neither gave a big contribute to them.

So i’m applying as a volunteer and to be a local committee. They call me “Miss Ministry of Finance” and on the first day i met Akshai (Speakers of GNOME.Asia Summit 2015 from India), he called me treasure..haha

This is my first time to be part of International event. I’m thankfull and proud to be part of them who brought this event to Indonesia.

Shoes sponshorship from FANS

Shoes sponshorship from FANS

This is my second time get shoes from same manufacturer. I’m so happy because FOSS always give me benefit in my life, such as this shoes. This is originally from Indonesia (my lovely country) and the factory made this with Linux. How’s great!

Day 0 – Thursday, 07 May 2015 | workshop

We were being very busy during the event come closer. We were doing this and that, to made the event be perfect.

Yes absoulutely we have mistakes and minus preparing for this event, because many of our team is newbie including me but we learnt together giving the best.

This is not first day for the event, but this is like a starter. We being more busy today. We split our team be some part of small team, because we must preparing the day of summit during the day of workshop.


me, hadi, nida, umul


Crowd of workshop at Auditorium Fasilkom UI

other guys do preparing for summit day

Other guys do preparing for summit day at Balairung

Thanks to Infinys for lunch sponsorship at workshop

Thanks to Infinys for lunch sponsorship at workshop

Julita, me, Andre, Olav

End of workshop

End of workshop

Day 1 – Friday, 08 May 2015 | Summit Day

Welcome to the event

Welcome to the event

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The day starts with registration at reception desk, all of participant doing this for get facilities such as t-shirt, goodies bag, schedule of event, sticker, coupon for lunch and ID card of course.

Participant at reception desk

Participant at reception desk

The summit day was opening with speech from Mr Aidil Chendramata (Ministry of Communication and Informatics)


and continued speech from Mrs Mirna Adriani (Dean of Fasilkom Universitas Indonesia)


All of local committee being more busy this day and we are using handy-talkie for communication with each other.

Standing with Inkscape book banner

Brought handy-talkie and pose beside Inkscape Book banner

Crowd of summit

Crowd of summit


With Mba Indah from Fasilkom UI. She helped us so much


I was doing some task about payment that we have pay off.

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I borrowed Piko’s laptop to made an online payment, that’s why he stand up beside me. Hehe.. Thanks Piko

me and piko

me and piko

We closed the first day of summit with another spirit welcoming next day 😀

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Accidentally..when i was looking for dinner we met some speakers, so we have dinner together 🙂

We have good dinner at Sate khas Senayan

We have good dinner at Sate khas Senayan

Day 2 – Saturday, 09 May 2015 | Summit Day

We were welcoming this day with happiness


We should taping or interviewing some speakers and participant at venue, but we missed it. So we have not more video about this event. So sadly 😦



Actually, I’m so interested to be part of GNOME member, but until now i didn’t know how to start. I didn’t know what my best way to contribute. Anyone could help me explain how i must start?



tobi, kat, siska, me

Some bad things were happened on that day, but over all summit gone well. Such as our lunch were coming very late because of traffic, thanks for participants kindness for waiting patiently 🙂


We were so serious listening Kat class. Julita always push me to be part of GNOME member, but I’m so dumb to understand everything about that things 😦





End of summit

Thanks for all who was coming to GNOME.Asia Summit 2015. Thanks for our sponshorship who made it happened.


One day tour

We (local committee and speakers) made one day tour around Jakarta. We went to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) and National Monument (Monas). One day tour was so fun 😀

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We become a thief #lol

I envy them, they are very sweet couple


Looked..our hands can’t wait for that fruits *drooling


in front of Tugu Monas’s our skin very different but we have same soul for FOSS 🙂


my hand with butterfly ring







I hate to say good bye with all of your guys. Hope we will meet again someday..


all of picture was taken from flickr groups GNOME.Asia 2015

Event : Hijab Day 2014

Ini adalah tahun ke-2 aku mengikuti acara ini. Perhelatan tahunan ini dimulai sejak tahun lalu “Hijab Day 2013”. Lokasinya masih di Gandaria City.

Tidak banyak yang berubah tentang acara ini, terdiri dari Talkshow, Bazar, Catwalk, Hijan clinic. Hanya saja penataan dan tampilan stan disana jauh lebih menarik. Dan yang selalu ditunggu dari acara seperti ini adalah barang-barang diskon dari para fashion designer maupun kosmetik berlabel Halal. Tiket masuk tahun ini naik dari tahun lalu, menjadi Rp 30.000. Sebenarnya nilai itu cukup besar, mengingat pengunjung tidak mendapatkan goodie bag. Saranku seharusnya dengan nilai segitu, minimal pengunjung mendapatkan sebotol minuman. Yah..u know, berjalan mengelilingi bazar pastilah membuatmu haus :p


nung – yoz – wind – xhyiffa – me – qq


we love selfie xO

we love selfie xO

at nanny's pavilon

at nanny’s pavilon
